Friday, October 24, 2014

Dynamic typing

Duck typing

HTML Binding

Clients synchronization



Object Pooling

Asynchronous Pooling

Machine Code Generation




JSON Database

Convention over configuration list

View First

Don't repeat yourself list



Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Injecting byte code using class loader

 Annotation Processor Tool (APT)
   source -(compile and performs modifications at model level)-> bytecode already modified - regular class loader -> loads class into memory
   Post-Compiling processing
   source -compile -> bytecode -post-compile-> modified bytecode - regular class loader -> loads class into memory
   Runtime modifications
   source -compile -> bytecode -post-compile-> modified bytecode - regular class loader -> loaded into memory - javassist proxy -> modified class - javassist hot swapper -> re-modified class


What is A standalone bean container

Integration testing scopes

Application scope - Active for all methods in a test class
Session scope - Active for all methods in a test class
Request scope - Active for a single test method

Deployment of war in remote server using Arquillian

Deployment in multipe server on different host using Arquillian

JVM Cucumber Integration with Arquillian

Monday, June 2, 2014

FilterOutputStream example in java

FilterInputStream example in java

FilenameFilter example in java

URL example in java

URLConnection example in java

URLEncoder example in java

Observable example in java

what are immutable and mutable collections

what are immutable and mutable array

Creating a Mutable object in java

Creating a Mutable array in java

Creating a Mutable collections in java

What is Immutable object

ShortBuffer in java

LongBuffer in java

IntBuffer in java

FloatBuffer in java

DoubleBuffer in java

CharBuffer in java

MappedByteBuffer in java

Security in Xtend

Security in X10

Security in Gosu

Security in fortress

Security in xtend

Security in Kotlin

Security in Ceylon

Security in Fantom

Security in scala

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Converting object to byte array

Converting wrapper class to byte array

Converting String to byte array

Converting Bigdecimal to byte array

Converting byte array to Big decimal

Converting byte array to string

How to determine the size of an object

Determining the object size via serialization

Getting the byte array of serialized object

Fragmenting object size for different data types

byte code and inheritance

byte code and polymorphism

Converting instance variable to instance variable object in java

Converting method to method object in java

Bamboo,Hudson continuous integration


cucumber jvm





Invoke virtual vs invoke especial

Sunday, May 18, 2014


What is the difference between assembly code and bytecode

Difference between: Opcode, byte code, mnemonics, machine code and assembly

bytecode vs object code

bytecode vs assembly code

advantages of Java using byte code instead of going to the native code

bytecode vs binary code

bytecode vs native code

bytecode vs machine code

Creating a abstraction between machine code and assembly language

Assembly language symbol and machine instruction and jvm

Machine instruction and assembly language and jvm

Invoking assembly language from java

Native code vs machine code vs assembly code

Different representative form transformation of program from byte code to native code

The hardware abstraction layer for java

TCP/IP layer and the link layer device driver implementation in java

Writing network stack entirely in Java.

Interaction flow of web server with and native and operating system

Java class format from JVM and compiler prespective

The disassembler javap

Local varible tabe and stack data flow (Load <->Store) Pop ,push in byte code

Operator Overloading in byte code

Local variable table and stack in byte code

Method Invocation in byte code

Conversions (l2d, i2l) in byte code

Boolean/bitwise operations (iand, ixor) in byte code

Math (add, sub, mul, div) in byte code

Array operations (aload, astore) in byte code

Local variables and stack interaction(load/store) in byte code

constant values in byte code

Type operator in byte code

HybridJava web framework

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring MVC test with Geb

Spring MVC test with WebDriver

Spring MVC test with MockMvc

Spring MVC test with HtmlUnit

The Run-Time Constant Pool in jvm

Java bytecode instruction listings

Spring MVC Test with Geb

Spring MVC Test with WebDriver

Create own hamcrest matcher

How to run JMeter tests with Maven

Running tests with Jenkins

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

model of computation of Java bytecode

Stack Oriented programming language and java compiler and JVM

List of programming languages by type

Jit compiler vs compiler

Translate ByteCode to Machine Native Code

GNU Compiler for the JavaTM Programming Language

Byte code and machine code executables difference

Binary vs byte code in java

Compile time vs runtime ploymorphism in java

Converting bits to data type in java

Converting bits to character,string,integer,bigdecimal

Sunday, May 11, 2014








Flower framework






Roma Meta Framework



Google Web Toolkit




Aranea Web Framework






















Trimpath Junction






















Turbine is a servlet based framework that allows experienced Java developers to quickly build web applications.

Protocol Buffers


Annotation parser in Java

Class Loading and Unloading in JVM

JVM architecture

Hex editor

bytecode DSL for Groovy

Demo program for simple language implementation in java

Demo program for simple compiler implementation in java

Demo Program for simple JVM implementation

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans

Creating HTML5 web apps in Scala with Vaadin

Jenkins with svn,git

Release Management for Enterprises

JVM JIT Compilation Overview

Spring 4 on Java 8

Maven, Gradle and Ant + Ivy

JBoss, GlassFish, TomEE, Liberty Profile,Tomcat and Jetty

Authorization and Authentication using Oauth

State synchronization between UI view and the data

Non-invasive programming mode

Friday, May 9, 2014

Bean Validation Framework

Memory and gc

OSGi Blueprint Container

Open CMS

OSGI web application bundle

JMX on web Client


Moduralizing existing web application with OSGI

Difference between Maven plugin ,OSGI plugin ,Jenkins plugin ,git plugin

Eclipse Gemini blueprint

Gemini,JSPF,Apache Felix,Equinox,Java Plugin Framework ,Spring Dynamic Modules

Clustering/Session Replication

Life Ray

Vaadin vs ZK

GWT vs jquery

Handling Multiple Versions of The Same Class

Monday, May 5, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

X10 programing langauge

Gosu programing langauge

Fortress programing langauge

Xtend programing langauge

Kotlin programming langauge

Ceylon programming langauge

Fantom programming langauge

Programming Language comparison Fantom, Ceylon, Kotlin, Xtend, Fortress, Gosu, X10

Component and state and httpsession

Dynamic ,Strong ,static ,safe ,inferred ,duck types in language designing

What is domain driven framework

How to abstract stateless http request and response cycle

What is templating engine

Pushed based MVC vs Pull based MVC

What is full stack framework

Vaadin framework and RIA

What is model2 architecture

Action based framework and component based framework comparison

Ztemplates Framework

Webwork framework

WaveMaker Framework

Thinwire Framework

Rife Framework

Oracle ADF framework

OpenXav Framework

Jvx Framework

Jspx framework

ItsNat Framework

Hamlets Framework

GoogleWebToolkit framework

FormEngine Framework

Rap Framework

Appfuse Framework

Apache Sling Framework

Jack Rabbit framework

Antlr Framework

Apache Wicket Framework

Tapestry Framework

Apache Click Framework

Atmosphere Framework

Vaadin framework

Netty Framework

SiteMesh Framework

Spark Framework

Stripes Framework

VRaptor Framework

Monday, April 28, 2014

Creating Domain Specific Languages with Groovy

Compling Groovy code to bytecode using a script

What is Bootstrapping

Overhead of dynamic type language at run time

Java Libraries for Functional Programming in Java

Functional Java
Google guava

What is Type system and how java Groovy,Scala and Java uses it

type inference and Statically typed languages

What is a Closure in Groovy .Closure parameter type inference for Groovy

What is Type system and how java, Groovy,Scala uses it .

Static vs. dynamic typing of programming languages

Transactional Memory in Java

Java based Software Transactional Memory 

A Problem for Dynamically Typed Languages

Dynamic Language Support on the Java Virtual Machine

The Challenge of Compiling Dynamically Typed Languages

Integrating Scala with java

Integrating Groovy with java

Integrating Clojure with java

Spring and Groovy

Groovy Objects in Spring’s Environment

Converting a Scala class file to decompiled Java source code

Java to Scala conversion

Java to Scala conversion

Functional Programming on the JVM

Sunday, April 27, 2014

object-oriented or functional, immutable or mutable, high-level abstractions or low-level speed

Bytecode inspection,Bytecode generation,Bytecode modification

How JVM can modify bytecode and use new bytecode while it is running

JVM byte code instrumentation

How is scala generating byte code? Using some libraries like ASM, or write binary directly?

Comparison of Groovy Compiler,Java compiler ,Scala compiler and Clojure compiler .

How to convert Converting scala and groovy byte code back to java

Akka/Scala actors pattern for asychronous processing and Node.js event driven non blocking input/output comparison

event driven non blocking input/output and Nio2

Spring ,Scala and hibernate JPA combination

What is spring integraton .Scala DSL for spring integration

Query DSL and Scala DSL

Friday, April 25, 2014

Cassandra vs MongoDB vs CouchDB vs Redis vs Riak vs HBase vs Couchbase vs Neo4j vs Hypertable vs ElasticSearch vs Accumulo vs VoltDB vs Scalaris comparison

Using Spring Data Graph as a REST client

Cross-store persistence

dynamically loadable and unloadable of module in web

Writing an OSGi Web Application



Spring Web Flow




Hyperic HQ 4.2



Comparison of spring rest mvc and jersey rest

Comparison of google juice aop and spring aop

Comparison of spring DI and Google juice DI







Thursday, April 24, 2014

Authenticating a User with LDAP

Spring XD

Spring Data Graph Scheduling Tasks

Spring Test MVC HtmlUnit

Spring Data JDBC Extensions

Spring Data Commons

Spring Data Solr

Spring Flex

Spring for Apache Hadoop

Spring Web Flow

Spring Shell

Spring LDAP

Spring Integration


Spring Data Redis

Spring AMQP

Spring Data Cassandra

Spring Security SAML

Spring Security Kerberos

Spring Scala

Spring Plugin

Spring Data Envers

Spring Data Couchbase

Spring Data Elasticsearch

Spring Integration Scala DSL

Spring Data Couchbase



Reactor spring

Spring Yarn

Spring Gorm

Enabling Cross Origin Requests for a RESTful Web Service

Creating a stream of live twitter data using Spring XD

Creating an Asynchronous, Event-Driven Application with Reactor

Creating Asynchronous Methods

Caching Data with GemFire

Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service

Building a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot Actuator

Messaging with Redis

Registering an Application with Twitter

Authenticating a User with LDAP

Spring XD

Spring Data Graph Scheduling Tasks


Content management in java Liferay

Multi JVM testing

Mongodb,java script and json

Locking of mutable data

What is Framework Complexity

What is component-based web application development framework



List of java web framework

 Spring MVC

Distributed caching framework

Scala Actors vs JMS

Akka,Scala and Play Framework

event and data-driven applications

Reactor and Akka

Building Distributed and Event-driven Applications in Java or Scala With Akka

Top 100 Web Frameworks for the JVM

creating an new Java Web framework

Distributed Event Bus

Vert.x Comparison


dynamic meta-programming

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Characteristics of functional programming

Advantage of static compilation

Running program through interpreter

Langauge selection for first prototyping

dynamically typed language vs static typed langauge

What is static typed language

What is dynamically typed language

Groovy,Scala,java ,Clojure comparison.Combining all nice feature in one

What is static typed language

How to provide out of box concurrency support

Functional style of programming in java

What is dynamically typed language

JavaConfig and XML Support for all Cluster and Session Capabilities

handle high velocity, high volume and variable data flows


Couchbase Server database

Apache Solr

Asynchronous callback

synchronous and asynchronous data operations

Building a Hypermedia-Driven RESTful Web Service

GemFire vs. Redis

Creating repository for Mongo db,Neo4j,redis,jpa

Mongo db,Neo4j,redis

Creating interactions with standard enterprise systems (e.g. RDBMS) as well as Hadoop operations (e.g. MapReduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive or Cascading).

Creating High throughput data export, e.g. from HDFS to a RDBMS or NoSQL database.

Creating interactions with standard enterprise systems (e.g. RDBMS) as well as Hadoop operations (e.g. MapReduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive or Cascading).

Creating High throughput data export, e.g. from HDFS to a RDBMS or NoSQL database.

Creating High throughput distributed data ingestion from a variety of input sources into big data store such as HDFS or Splunk

Creating out-of-the-box server

How to simplify Maven configuration

Hypermedia concept in rest

providing out-of-the-box mocking in framework

Writing an asynchronous event-driven network application framework

how to to make remote calls in parallel in java

How to design non-blocking architecture ,automatically reloading the changes in framework

Just-in-time compilation

Scala and java comparison

Build dynamically extensible frameworks

Make your frameworks data-independent with property objects and dynamic class loading

How to dynamically load collection of classes, jars, and configuration files

How to implement a case for spaning multiple HTTP requests with state, dealing with transactional data

What is static and dynamic programming ,scripting and domain-specific languages

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hypermedia concept in rest

providing out-of-the-box mocking in framework

ActiveMQ vs RabbitMQ vs ZeroM

How to design non-blocking architecture ,automatically reloading the changes in framework

Play Framework architecture .How it is different from other framework

Build dynamically extensible frameworks

What is dynamically allocated data structure in java

What is CLI based resource discovery and interaction in java